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Events 2019-2020

Goddess workshop - 26th October 2019

A fabulous day of chanting and friendship
Our second goddess-themed workshop was on Saturday 26th October. Sixteen wonderful goddesses came from far and wide for a joyous celebration of the goddess in her many forms - Mother Earth, The Divine Feminine and the goddess within. In the morning we sang chants from many different traditions and cultures, including African, neo-pagan, Native American and Hindu, while the afternoon session took the form of kirtan, or devotional chanting of mantras to Hindu goddesses, accompanied by the harmonium. In between we shared lunch, chatted  together and made new, like-minded friends.
Witton Women Goddess Workshop - October 2019

Singing Bowls Workshop

on Sunday 12th January 2020
at Organic Pilates Studio, Langley Park, Durham
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